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  Under the Auspices of  



Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth

The Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth of Cyprus is responsible for the administration of public and the supervision of private schools of pre-primary, primary and secondary level as well as the educational institutions of Post-Secondary Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education and Adult Education. It prepares the educational budget, drafts new laws regarding education and sees to the implementation of existing ones. The Minister of Education, Sport and Youth is the liaison with the Cabinet of Ministers for issues of Education, Youth and Sports, having relevant competence in these fields and represents the Republic of Cyprus at the Education, Youth and Sport Council of the European Union and other European and international organisations, such as UNESCO.


Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy

Cyprus has set forth an aspirational vision for becoming a fit-for-the-future society and knowledge-based economy, enabled by digital technologies and innovation. The ultimate goal: drive economic competitiveness, stimulate business activity, create new jobs, elevate social prosperity and sustainable growth. Embarking towards this ambitious vision, the Deputy Ministry, wth horizontal responsibilities over research and innovation and digital policy, has crafted a holistic strategy in the domains of eGovernment and Digital Skills, Connectivity, Communications and Space Technologies, Research as well as Innovative Entrepreneurship. Fostering a transformational ecosystem that goes beyond economic returns, concentrates on social outputs and stresses the importance of knowledge, as the basis of a strong, sustainable and more resilient development model.


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Cyprus Computer Society (CCS)

The Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) is a professional, scientific and independent non-profit organization, founded in 1984 with the aim of developing, upgrading and promoting the IT sector in Cyprus. CCS seeks to set high standards among industry professionals, recognizing the impact that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has on employment, business, society and the quality of life of the citizen. Playing a key role in connecting academics with the professional sector, the Association promotes key issues in the industry, especially in the fields of digital literacy, professional skills, professionalism, education, training and research.

Cyprus Information Technology Enterprises Association (CITEA)

The Cyprus Information Technology Enterprises Association (CITEA) was established in 1987 and is an active member of the World Information Technology and Services Alliance WITSA, the European IT Federation DigitalEurope, and the Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB). The Association’s objective is to play a determining role in the balanced growth of Information and Communication Technologies in the Cyprus economy, acting as the vehicle of change for the development of the information society. The Association is the principal representative of information communication technology (ICT) enterprises on the island and currently numbers over 50 member companies that cover all ICT areas.


Cyprus Tech Association

The Cyprus Tech Association, a non-for-profit entity, aspires to provide a dynamic platform for all tech professionals and international ICT companies established in Cyprus to discuss, promote, and address common challenges. It also provides a formal representation to all its members to forums, public and private entities, as well as offers direction on key strategic issues, including the economic importance of the ICT sector and policy advocacy.

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Cyprus Human Resource Management Association (CyHRMA)

The CyHRMA was established in 1991 and has grown over the years into a vibrant and valuable source of talent and expertise with over 620 members, professionals from the areas of Human Resource Management, Industrial Employment Relations and Training & Development. It strives to educate the local business community and society in general about the vital importance of human capital to the success of their organizations and to advance the level of HRM professionals in Cyprus through education, research and opportunities for collaboration and exchange.

Invest Cyprus

Invest Cyprus (Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency) is the investment promotion agency of the Government of Cyprus, dedicated to attract and facilitate foreign direct investment into the country. In close collaboration with all governmental authorities and public institutions, as well as the private sector and international experts, Invest Cyprus is the country’s lead agent in establishing Cyprus as a world-class investment destination. Invest Cyprus’ mandate, is to raise awareness of Cyprus as a location for FDI across the globe, providing certainty around all aspects of operating a business in Cyprus and supporting potential investors in developing their business case for investment into the country.

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Youth Board of Cyprus

The Youth Board of Cyprus was founded in 1994 as a public legal entity pursuant to the Youth Board Law of 1994 (Ν.33 (Ι)/94), which was passed unanimously by the House of Representatives. Since the beginning of its operation on the 2nd of June 1994, when the first Board of Directors was appointed, the organization has offered young people multiple opportunities for active participation in social activities in Cyprus and abroad. The organization’s main role is advisory but it also undertakes youth related projects, following the approval of the Council of Ministers, either during the approval on the organization’s annual budget or under another special decision. As an advisory body, the Board of Directors submits proposals on the formation of a comprehensive and specialized youth policy to the Council of Ministers, via the Minister of Education and Culture.


Techisland is a non-profit association with the mission to promote and accelerate the growth of technology in Cyprus. The association represents over 100 technology companies based in Cyprus.


 Transportation Supporter  

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Cyprus Public Transport

Cyprus Public Transport is part of an international network of transport companies present on four continents with over 40,000 employees. With over 120 years of experience in efficient management of urban transport as well as regional, national and international bus coach and rail transport, the company aspires to upgrade the public transport sector in Cyprus and to serve the public through a European-standards system. The company’s management team is young and highly motivated, with a mix of both local and international experience in various aspects of the transportation industry. Currently, the company employs 430 people in Nicosia and 175 in Larnaca. Cyprus Public Transport has begun to implement a long-term plan to continuously improve the overall working environment and level of customer service. It is estimated that the average number of passengers using Cyprus Public Transport per year is 5,558,414 within the Nicosia District and 983,724 within the Larnaca District. 

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